Application Process


Texas Residential Management Rental Process


Viewing Properties
Viewing our properties couldn’t be easier! A video tour is posted to the website for all applicants/prospects to view. If an applicant has applied ahead of time, they will receive a text notification that the video tour has been posted to the website. In person tours are required. You can schedule a tour Monday - Friday from 9:15 am - 4:45 pm.


Application Process
We do not process applications until the home has been viewed in person by the prospect/representative and property is accepted as-is.

Online/paper applications are date/time stamped. Received applications are processed once complete (e.g. property has been toured, all application documentation submitted, fees paid). Applications that subsequently are not processed due to the home being leased to a previous applicant will also receive a refund via the method paid


To qualify the gross income for the home must be 3 x Rent.

Credit Reports
Credit Bureau reports indicating judgements, evictions, or unpaid rental accounts will result in disapproval of the rental application. If you have any unsatisfactory rental account and can provide proof of payment, then consideration for approval will be given. Credit scores are obtained but not used for qualifying.

Criminal Reports

Criminal reports indicating conviction of violent crime, sexual crime, or drug distribution will result in disapproval of the rental application.


Each roommate is required to pay the application processing fee of $50. Should the application be approved, then each roommate is required to submit the full security deposit for the property of interest.


Pet Policy
Properties that accept pets do so with an exception of aggressive breeds. Some of these aggressive breeds include, but are not limited to Dobermans, Rottweilers, Chows, Pit Bulls (Staffordshire Terrier or any mix). Service and support animals are not pets and do not fall under this policy. Please contact our office directly for information regarding Service Animals. All applicants regardless of pets, no pets, service/assistance animals must complete the process at .


Application Approval
Once your application is approved, you will have 2 business days to sign your lease and pay your security deposit. Please be advised that we cannot take the property off of the market until your deposit is received and your lease has been signed. Your lease start date must be no later than 7 days from approval. Failure to respond by the due date will result in closing your application and the property being placed back on the market.


Move-In Inventory & Condition
The Move-In Inventory & Condition form must be returned no later than 5 days from the lease commencement date. Failure to return in the allotted time will result in the property being deemed free from defect. As a reminder, deficiencies noted on this form are not a substitute for placing a work request.


Payment Of Rent
Rent payments can be made online via the Tenant Portal as either a one-time payment or recurring payment, at our physical location during business hours/drop slot, mail, 7 Eleven, CVS or Walmart. We also accept checks via Billpay made through your financial institution.



Contact Us


366 Morgan Street Suite A
Harker Heights, TX 76548


Phone: (254) 699-2020
Fax: (254) 699-2002
Emergencies: (254) 681-8416


Office Hours:
Monday – Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm


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